Industry Trend

Culture Shift: Clean Meat

Written by CJBIO | Aug 25, 2021 11:34:00 AM

Proteins are increasing in demand and the demand for meat is expected to increase approximately 60% by 2050. But it can't supply really meet this, as the world population moves toward the 10 billion. Currently, 70% of all agricultural land, corresponding to 30% of the earths surface, is being used for livestock production. The problems of agricultural livestock production are increasing, which create 18% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. It has been made clear by numerous studies and NGOs that a drastic shift in diets, as well as a more mindful approach towards production methods, are pivotal in avoiding even more drastic climate change.

Cultured meat, called clean meat, is meat produced by in vitro cell culture of animal cells, instead of from slaughtered animals. It has been considered as a real meat alternative in the future. It uses cells harvested from animal tissue that can be cultured, multiplied, and turned into edible meat products. In 2013, Mark Post, a professor at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, was the first to showcase a proof-of-concept for cultured meat by creating the burger patty grown directly from cells. In December 2020, the worlds first commercial sale of cultured meat occurred in Singapore. It was cultured chicken meat from Eat Just as an ingredient in chicken bite, which was approved by the Singapore Food Agency (SFA). This approval is anticipated to be the first of many for similar cultured meat businesses in Singapore and other countries.

Consumers are demanding meat alternative products, satisfying that their texture and flavor meet high standards. Food companies are looking at ways to improve the functionality and sensory profile of the current meat-free products. CJ TasteNrich® and FlavorNrich, fermented products, can be considered key ingredients which give them their unique meaty flavor as a natural flavor to improve the sensory profile of meat alternative products.