Industry Trend

Top 10 Trends for 2023

Written by CJBIO | Nov 18, 2022 9:44:00 AM

INNOVA Market Insights Innova Market Insights, a global knowledge leader in the food and beverage industry, selected Top 10 keywords for the 2022 global food trends.

1) Redefining Value
Consumers seek out brands that respond to their core values at economic price

2) Affordable Nutrition
innovation should focus on making essential nutrition affordable

3) Generational Push 
Positive engagement and new experiences find flavor with younger consumers used to sharing their views widely and willingly

4) Plant Based : Unlocking a new narrative
Underused ingredients and technology-enabled new formats open up wider spaces for standalone plant-based innovation

5) Farming the future
New farming systems are improving quality and sustainability, leading to renewed consumer interest in food sources

6) Possitively Imperfect
Openness about the complexities of sustainability is appreciated by consumers who do not expect brands to be 100% perfect

7) Quick Quality
Culinary creativity blossomed during the pandemic and now needs to come with added convenience to meet busier routines

8) Devouring Digital
Brands are starting to embrace the full potential of consumer connections by enhancing real life with digital experiences

9) Revenge Spending
Small pleasures have a heightened effect as luxury spending comes under pressure: opportunities to enhance brand perception

10) Unpuzzle Health
On-pack messaging is a go-to source for consumers keen to know about the health and nutritional value of a product Our products are aligned with these trends, and we want to share some of those. 

Redefining Future 

Today's consumers care more about living a healthier life style and the ingredients that go into their daily meals and where these ingredients come from.
Nrich is the answer for future of food and nutrition by helping to deliver safer, and delicious foods to consumers. 

Plant-based : Unlocking a new narrative
Consumers care more about taste and texture, but also the trustworthy of the ingredients.
TasteNrich® consists of unique savory complex that satisfies consumers' increasing needs to wanting a healthier option without compromising flavor and texture. 

Unpuzzle Health 
Consumers want to know exactly what ingredients go into their food and where they come from.
Nrich products meet the industry demand for clean label ingredients.
We are dedicated to providing true naturalness and transparency. 

Ref. INNOVA MARKET INSIGHTS_ Top 10 trends for 2023