2023 Top 100 New Brands BESTAMINO

Written by CJBIO | Jul 17, 2023 10:21:00 AM

CJ BIO's brand BESTAMINO has been recognized as one of the '2023 Top 100 New Brands' by Clarivate, the world's largest information service consulting company based in the UK. 
This prestigious recognition is a result of an extensive analysis of 145 million trademark applications worldwide from 2021 to 2022. 

This time, BESTAMINO emerged as one of the only five brands from South Korea, standing proudly alongside global giants such as Apple and Chanel.

BESTAMINO is CJ BIO's Amino Acids brand that supplies only the L-form 8 amino acids, allowing significantly reduced crude protein levels and a positive impact on the environment.

We truly believe that this remarkable achievement is a result of our continuous formulation development and expansion of our product portfolio. Please stay tuned for more exciting developments from CJ BIO, as it continues to make significant strides in the industry.