CJ Animal Nutrition







watch Recording




Webinar title:

Low protein formulation and gut health



Thu, Oct 29, 2020




Fast-growing animals such as piglets and broilers need amino acids for (lean) growth. However, feeding high levels of dietary

protein to these animals to fulfill their requirements may lead to digestive disorders. Low protein diets can be formulated by using

free amino acids, but this raises the question as to how far we can go in reducing the dietary protein content. Can we consider the

essential amino acids just one-by-one? Will non-essential amino acids become essential? You can learn about the key technologies

essential for modern swine feed formulation, including the levels of bioavailable nutrients, their relationships to each other, and

their relationships to dietary energy, Advances in swine nutrition and the practice of formulation have resulted in the ability to

lower the burden of excess dietary protein on the animal and on the animal's environment.


Speakers and Moderator 

borad members



What you will learn 

1. What knowledge and expertise about amino acids is needed to lower the crude protein content in diets for pigs and poultry.

2. What are technologies for feed formulation primarily for pigs but also for poultry.

3. How to correctly characterize the level of digestible amino acids and energy in feedstuffs and the corresponding animal requirements.

4. How can the nutritionist fairly value feedstuffs in order to properly formulate diets to optimize performance and minimize nutrient waste, resulting in sustainable swine production?