■  VIV ASIA Webinar (V-connect) Launched on 23rd - 25th September




VIV ASIA is the largest livestock related exhibition in Asia that holds once every two years in Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand. It is one of the three largest animal agriculture exhibition in the word, being the most representative Feed to Food event in Asia. More than 1,000 companies and 50,000 exhibitors joined to share the insight of the livestock, including pigs, poultry, cattle, fish and dairy. Animal feed additives, livestock related devices, and veterinary medicine are the key session throughout the event. 2021 VIV ASIA was held online, due to COVID-19 pandemic.


CJ CheilJedang BIO conducted a session of Paradigm Shift in Traditional Animal Nutrition for Environment and Gut Health with Prof. Sung Woo Kim at North Carolina State University. 137 participants has joined the seminar in the live session, having more than 300 views in the recordings. 





The ESG effects of CJ BIO products, such as amino acid and feed enzymes, were mainly discussed: the reduction of nitrogen/carbon/mineral excretion and productivity enhancements, scientifically proven with the animal testing results.




[Key Points]

Reduce nitrogen excretion: 


Amino acids additives to reduce the content of crude protein in the feed and to improve the gut health of animals through efficient use of nitrogen. (Reduction of 2% of crude protein with amino acid in pig feed leads to 1.8 million tons of nitrogen excretion per year)






Reduce carbon excretion: 


Enzyme (NSPase) additives proven to improve gut health by enhancing carbohydrate utilization and increasing microbiome in intestine. (Increase in CHO utilization in pig production leads to reduction of 8.5 million ton of CO2 and 0.17 million ton of CH4 excertion.)





Reduce mineral excretion: 
Enzyme (Phytase) additives proven to reduce inorganic phosphorus, decrease environment pollution, and improve gut health (Improve 40-60% of utilization rate of phosphorus from major grains in feeds)
CJ BIO will continue to stress ESG as the important factor in its business and strengthen its brand and digital marketing to promote the ESG value.