Paradigm Shift : Step into the Future of Biotics with Gut-Organ Axis (II)

Navigating the Effects of Biotics from Gut to Skin
The Growing Consumer Focus on Skin Health and Its Market Surge
Euromonitor reports that the global market for dietary supplements aimed at beauty health is projected to reach 6.106 billion USD by 2024. The 5-year CAGR from 2018 to 2023 has been steadily increasing at 4.71%, indicating potential growth in the skin health segment.1) Moreover, the number of theses related to the gut-skin axis experienced a 31% CAGR from 2020 to 2023, marking the highest growth rate among all studies concerning gut-organ axes.2)
What makes skin health stand out as such a compelling topic compared to other organs?
An adult’s skin weighs around 5 kg or more and covers an average surface area of about 2 m2, making it the body’s largest organ. Skin health influences not only chronic conditions but also overall quality of life. Because skin is a visible indicator and impacts the human life cycle from infancy to old age, consumer awareness of quality of life is evolving, driving greater interest in skin health along with overall health care.
Alongside the aim of enhancing overall skin health, consumers are seeking solutions for their diverse skin issues. In the United States, approximately 15% of children suffer from atopic dermatitis,3) while around 50 million individuals, including teenagers and adults, deal with acne annually.4) As people age, their concerns naturally evolve to include issues like elasticity and wrinkles. Given that nearly everyone experiences at least one skin-related problem during their lifetime, it’s no surprise that skincare is viewed as a lifelong task.
- Active Development of Skin Health Products in the Biotics Market
In this context, the potential of biotics to bolster immunity and provide skin health solutions, in addition to promoting gut health, is gaining market interest, leading to increased research in this area. Then how is the market adapting to the growing diversity and specificity of consumer needs?
The biotics market is proactively addressing the unmet demands of consumers by launching differentiated NPDs designed for specific skin concerns. The Innova Report indicates that supplement NPDs, particularly those marketed for skin health, have experienced an impressive 46% CAGR from 2020 to 2023 (Figure 1).5) As market responses align with customer needs, the biotics and skin health sectors are anticipated to become increasingly diversified.

Figure 1. 3Y CAGR (2020-2023) of supplement NPDs including skin health-positioned biotics
Reflecting these trends, BiomeNrich™ offers a comprehensive portfolio of skin solutions based on the gut-skin axis.
Explore how BiomeNrich™ can meet the demands of this rapidly evolving market. Learn More→
1. Euromonitor, Market metrics for probiotics and dietary supplement, 2024
2. NIH-PubMed, 2024
3. Allergy & Asthma network, 2023
4. American academy of dermatology association, 2013
5. Innova Platform, Report on biotics ingredients and Market metrics for biotics supplements, 2024