Dear partners who are preparing the sodium reduction project

Dear partners who are preparing the sodium reduction project
Obesity Raises the Infection Risk of COVID-19?
Excess consumption of sugar, salt, saturated fat and low-fiber foods is one of risk factors in chronic disease with obesity and high blood pressure. Furthermore unhealthy diet is also one of factor which affects our immune system. The coronavirus COVID-19 is affecting most countries around the world. Since there is no registered medicine or vaccine against COVID-19, our immune system is the best defense. Due to these public health concerns, most governments establish and enforce food labelling policies and regulations relating to the health safety and nutritional quality of food.
FOP nutrition labeling schemes have been designed and evaluated to help consumers understand the nutritional value of their food and beverage products of choice. There are many different types of FOP around the world. Currently more than 40 countries around the globe have some type of nutrition labelling scheme on the front of food packaging in place22.1) The Chilean warning system, introduced in 2016, is a mandatory nutrient-based scheme that denotes products that are high in energy, sugars, saturated fat and/or sodium1). Some other South American countries (e.g. Brazil, Peru, and Uruguay) as well as Canada and Israel have developed or are developing similar alert schemes. 1)
TasteNrich®, a perfect solution for sodium reduction on clean label trend
Trimming Salt, Maintaining Taste with TasteNrich
- TasteNrich® is rich in not only natural umami components, amino acids and organic acids, but also versatile culinary flavors.
All those are naturally produced during a natural fermentation process and the fermentation complex can allow to boost the perception of saltiness in human sensory. - TasteNrich® is all in one solution for salt reduction and available for clean label at the same time
1) EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels, 20.5.2020 COM(2020) 207 final