Influence of a consistent arginine supply in complete diets with varying protein contents on performance and N-utilization in broilers

Source : Sustainability 2018, 10, 3827; doi:10.3390/su10113827
Effects of step-wise reduced crude protein (CP) content for broilers on performance, health and N-excretion (balanced for essential amino acids and a constant arginine-lysine ratio)
Materials and Methods
● Experimental animals : 360 ROSS308 broilers (4 treatments Х 6 replicates Х 15 birds/replicate)
● Research laboratory : University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany
● Performance parameters : Body weight, Dry matter content and nitrogen in feces, Dry matter content and nitrogen in litter
● Trial design (Starter : d 1-7, Grower : d 8-14, Finisher : d 15-35)

ㆍGrowth Performance
→ Broilers fed 2% CP reduced-diet showed the best growth performance

ㆍNitrogen Content
→ Nitrogen content in excreta and litter was also reduced in CP-2 group

ㆍEconomic Evaluation
→ CP-2 group showed the best economic value

•Reduction in the protein content by 2% in the complete feed for broilers balanced for essential amino acid and a fixed arginine-lysine ratio significantly improved performance.
•Nitrogen concentrations in excreta and manure were significantly lower for protein-reduced diets.
•The economic success, on the one hand, is to be evaluated against the background of the costs for the individual amino acids.
On the other hand, the effects on lower N-disposal management costs for utilization of manure have to be considered.