CJ Animal Nutrition-2



Webinar title:  

How to choose the right plant protein for young animal feed 


Webinar link:




Thu, Mar 25, 2021 

9 : 00 AM (Chicago)    11 : 00 AM (Brasilia)   2 : 00 PM (London)   3 : 00 PM (Berlin)  9 : 00 PM (Bangkok) 



Soybean meal (SBM) is the most widely used protein supplement in non-ruminant feeds globally. The soybean is an excellent

source of protein and other important nutrients. However, soybean also contains several substances that can hinder the digestibility

in the gut of young animals, such as antigenic protein, oligosaccharides, phytic acid, lectins and trypsin inhibitors. As a whole,

these are called anti-nutritional factors (ANFs). The main storage protein in SBM are anti-nutritional factors (ANFs) that limit SBM

use in nursery diets. ANFs have allergenic effects that can cause gut inflammation, diarrhea and thus reduction in growth. Gut

inflammation affects the immune system and the oxidative stress status damaging the intestinal epithelium especially in young

animals. Young animals have immature digestive tracts that are susceptible to many nutritional challenges during their early development,

such as in the weaning period in piglets and 0-7 day starter phase in broilers. At this early stage of growth, birds need a

raw material, which can easily be digested to provide sufficient amounts of essential nutrients to meet their requirements. Animal

protein supplements have been largely used in nursery diets as a source of protein without ANF and with high bioavailability of

ANF, enhancing the growth and health in newly weaned pigs. Due to climate change and overfishing, animal proteins are on a

global decline, and international prices are continuously increasing. But animal protein has been on the decline worldwide due to

food safety reasons, and vegetable protein has been suggested as an alternative for the sustainable aquaculture industry. So the

crude protein in plant protein such as SPC and FSBM are similar to animal protein ingredients with low concentration of ANF. Therefore,

SPC and FSBM can be used in nursery diets replacing animal protein ingredients.





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  • 개인정보처리방침 수정일자 : 2023-03-20