CJ Bio Convenes Panel of Experts to Host Live Webinar, The Umami Advantage, During Virtual Annual Meeting of Food Scientists and Technologists Offers insight into the Intersection of Flavor Enhancers and Health Trends, Cost Reduction and More


CHICAGO July 9, 2020 Today CJ Bio announced the first in a series of Food Ingredient MasterClass webinars, The Umami Advantage, which will share insight on the fifth taste phenomenon that is revolutionizing ingredient mixes, nutritional content and flavor profiles across a range of savory foods and snacks. The Umami Advantage will be live on Monday, July 13, 2020 at11:00 AM (CDT) during SHIFT20, the virtual edition of the IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo.


Attendees will gain insight on umami-based ingredients that can help them achieve optimal flavor in their products. The free MasterClass will be led by celebrated change agent and food innovation expert Brad Barbera, NPDP and a panel of experts. 


Topics to be discussed include:

  • What umami is, how it works and where it comes from
  • What consumer and technology trends are driving innovation in this area
  • How new umami flavor enhancers intersect with health trends such as plant-based and non-GMO ingredients, clean labels, 

            and lower sodium foods

  • How umami can be used to take food products to the next level


The panelists will be conducting live taste tests and giving their professional feedback on the Umami Advantage. Attendees will be able to register to receive sample umami enhanced snacks, enabling them to participate in an exclusive taste test in their home or office.  


Hosted by Brad Barbera, NPDP, this event will deliver the latest information on trends and innovations without the confusing academic jargon. Barbera brings 30 years of experience in helping mission-driven organizations excel at innovation and sustainability. His diverse experience spans strategic planning and change management along with exhaustive research. Barbera has earned engineering and economics degrees from Northwestern University and an MBA from the University of Chicago. He has helped dozens of organizations launch innumerable new products and services worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Barbera is also author of Keep Innovation Simple Lead with Clarity and Focus in a World of Constant Change, a complete reference guide for designing, building, and maintaining innovation systems for organizations. 


Panelists: Liz Specht, The Good Food Institute

Liz Specht works passionately to develop technologies that advance personal and public health, environmental sustainability, and animal protection. As Associate Director of Science & Technology at The Good Food Institute, she leads efforts to analyze the broader ecosystem surrounding plant-based products and cellular agriculture and forecast potential future bottlenecks to growth for the industry. These insights get distilled into public resources and become internal strategic guidelines for programmatic work that helps alleviate current and future scientific obstacles in this emerging sector. Her holistic view helps support the translation of technological advances into pragmatic, real world solutions.


Bonni London MS, RDN, LDN, London Wellness, LLC

Educator, author, and speaker Bonni London empowers individuals to utilize nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle changes that impact and improve quality of life. A registered dietitian and owner of London Wellness LLC, she has been accredited and licensed for more than 20 years. That experience helps her to uniquely motivate and inspire each client to take better care of their body. London works with individuals to instill new habits to transform their diets and all areas of their lives. She also supports medical professionals by working with patients to enhance the outcomes of prescribed treatment plans. As an advocate within the food and hospitality industries, she partners with restaurateurs, farmers, and others to drive business and increase wellbeing. She also works to educate the public about ingredient sourcing, preparation preserving nutrients, synergistic combinations of ingredients, and how healthy is delicious. 


Charlie Baggs, Charlie Baggs Culinary Innovations

In 1999, Chef Charlie Baggs made a life-changing decision to launch an innovative food consulting company that would marry his fiery passion for creating new flavors, his rigorous training at the Culinary Institute of America, and his whole-hearted devotion to the business of hospitality. Today, Charlie Baggs Culinary Innovations specializes in training, flavor development, consumer insights, prototyping food and beverage, kitchen design, branding, and much more. As President and Executive Chef of the company, Baggs works to help clients with national account presentations, trade show support, design and execution, photography and visual assets, and culinary training for food scientists. He has also taught for more than a decade at the university level, at Purdue University and, currently, at the Illinois Institute of Technology. 


The Umami Advantage is the first in a series of free, educational webinars called The Food Ingredient MasterClass. The series is sponsored by TasteNrich® (tastenrich.com) by CJ Bio.


The webinar series will cover topics like:

  • Food Grade Amino Acids (FGAA) and Sports Nutrition a deep dive into amino acids muscle building, energy, recovery and endurance
  • Re-thinking MSG and how to organically integrate this naturally occurring ingredient and other umami components into foods
  •   The Future of Nutraceuticals how Food Grade Amino Acids (FGAA) provide antioxidants, improve cardiovascular, sexual and liver health, boost immune systems, and enhance growth and mental health.




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  • 개인정보처리방침 수정일자 : 2023-03-20